EBS Morning Special 5월 27일 토요일: Fate Brought Them Together During a Blizzard in외국어 공부를 해 보아요!/English Studying 2023. 5. 28. 23:10728x90반응형
지난겨울, 미국 버펄로 지역에서 눈폭풍으로 고립되었던 한국인 관광객들을 집에 머무르게 해 주시고, 집에 있던 한국음식 양념들과 식재료로 음식도 즐겁게 해 먹게 해 주셨던 한 부부의 기사를 접했습니다.
정말 저런 천사 같은 부부가 있을까? 한, 두 명도 아니고 단체 한국인 관광객들을 하루도 아니고 며칠씩이나...
미국에 있는 한국치킨 프랜차이즈 회사에서 그 부부에게 일 년 무료 이용권을 선물로 증정했다.라는 훈훈한 마무리였는데 와우, 드디어 이 부부가 한국에 10일 동안 초대받아 다시 그때의 관광객들을 재회했다는 훈훈한 기사입니다.
한국의 '정', '인연'이라는 것에 대해 정말 깨닫게 되었다. 는 이 부부의 첫 만남이 미국의 한국식당에서의 제육덮밥과 비빔밥 데이트였다니...
모닝스페셜 라디오 방송을 듣는 내내 입가에 미소가 떠나질 않습니다.
사람은 착하고 바르게 살아야 합니다!!!
- leave no stone unturned
to do everything possible to find something or to solve a problem. (=full effort)
It is often used to praise someone's careful work, as in: The researcher left no stone unturned in her search for the original documents.
- twiddle your thumbs
Be bored or idle
as in There I sat for three hours, twiddling my thumbs, while he made call after call. This expression alludes to the habit of idly turning one's thumbs about one another during a period of inactivity.
- as fresh as a daisy
very fresh : not at all tired.
ex) She always seems to be (as) fresh as a daisy.
# 이 분들 이셨군요. . .정말 이런 한국과의 인연이 또 있을까요? (출처: Diane Kang for The New York Times) 2. NEW YORK TIMES
Fate Brought Them Together During a Blizzard in New York. Then They Reunited in South Korea
Christine Chung
c.2023 The New York Times Company
About five months ago, in the middle of a deadly and ferocious blizzard, Alexander and Andrea Campagna answered a knock on the door of their home near Buffalo, New York. Outside were 10 South Korean travelers whose van had become stuck in the snow on their street. The Campagnas welcomed the stranded travelers in and, in doing so, provided a much-shared story of compassion and goodwill during a vicious storm just before Christmas.[Expressions]▶ferocious [fə│roʊʃəs] : 흉포한, 지독한, 맹렬한(=savage)▶goodwill = 호의, 친절, 온정- in doing so, provided a much-shared story of compassion and goodwill: 그렇게 함으로써(그들을 집으로 들임으로써) 많은 사람의 입에 오르내릴 연민과 온정의 미담을 탄생시킨 것이었다They were about a week into a 10-day all-expenses paid tour of the city as guests of the Korea Tourism Organization, to reward their generosity and promote tourism to Korea as well.“It’s kind of a storybook situation that you could not have scripted,” Alexander Campagna, 40, said in an interview at a cafe on the Gyeongbokgung grounds.[Expressions]▶all-expenses-paid = 경비가 모두 지원된 (having all costs already paid)- about a week into a 10-day all-expenses paid tour of the city: 모든 경비가 지원된 열흘간의 서울 투어 일정 중 약 일주일째▶you could not have scripted = (일부러는) 도저히 쓸 수가 없었던- It’s kind of a storybook situation that you could not have scripted: 일부러 쓸래야 쓸 수가 없었던 일종의 동화 같은 이야기이다And they had been reunited with six of the South Korean tourists they had spontaneously invited into their home that snowy holiday weekend months ago. This time, they met at a sun-filled restaurant in a traditional Korean house overlooking Changdeokgung Palace, another grand Joseon dynasty royal home.Tears were shed as they encountered each other again. Guests and hosts alike, channeled through an interpreter, spoke of the gratitude they felt. They called each other lifelong friends and repeatedly emphasized that it felt like destiny to have met.[Expressions]▶reunite = (오랫동안 헤어졌던 사람들이) 재회[재결합]하다, 재회[재결합]시키다 (주로 수동태로 쓰임)- be reunited with ~: ~와 재회하다- family reunion: 가족 상봉, (명절 등에) 가족이 다 모이는 것▶spontaneously = 자발적으로, 자연스럽게- spontaneous: 자발적인, 마음에서 우러난, 즉흥적인- Guests and hosts alike: 손님들과 집주인들 둘 다▶channeled through an interpreter = 통역을 통해- channel (through): ~를 통해 보내다Andrea Campagna, 43, said that despite having no blood ties to the country, Korea has been a part of the couple’s origin story from the beginning. On their first date seven years ago, they ate bibimbap and stir-fried pork at a local Korean restaurant in Buffalo.In the months since that holiday weekend, the couple said they received an immense outpouring of gratitude from well-wishers near and far. There was even a year of free fried chicken from a Korean barbecue franchise. She said that the response, which she called “profoundly moving,” showed that the world was “hungry for a heartwarming story” in a news cycle that is typically anything but.[Expressions]▶blood tie(s) = 혈연stir-fried pork: 제육볶음▶from well-wishers near and far = 도처에서 호의를 표하는 사람들로부터- well-wisher: 행복을 비는 사람, 호의를 보이는 사람, 지지자- near and far: 도처에서 (everywhere)▶anything but = ~이 결코 아닌 (certainly not, just the opposite of something)- the world was “hungry for a heartwarming story” in a news cycle that is typically anything but: 각박한 내용만 전해지는 뉴스들 속에서 세상은 훈훈한 미담을 원한다On the tour, the Campagnas, who had never visited Korea before, said they had been fully immersed in Korean culture. They had learned about the concept of jeong, a feeling of compassion and warmth that grows in a close relationship, something they said they felt with their guests.[Expressions]▶be immersed in ~ = ~에 깊이 빠지다[몰두하다], ~에서 헤어나지 못하다They also heard about inyeon, or fate. The holiday weekend had turned them into believers. One of the mysteries of the story has been how the stranded Korean travelers ended up at the door of the one house in the area that was likely to be stocked with Korean condiments such as gochujang, or spicy red chili paste, and chamgileum, or sesame oil, and enough produce and proteins to cook Korean food for everyone.[Expressions]end up: 결국 (어떤 처지에) 처하게 되다▶the one house in the area that ~ = 그 지역에서 ~한 단 한 집[바로 그 집]▶condiment = 조미료, 양념, 소스- how the stranded Korean travelers ended up at the door of the one house in the area that was likely to be stocked with Korean condiments: 어쩌다 길 잃은 한국인 관광객들이 그 지역 많은 집들 중에서도 하필 한국 양념이 갖춰져 있던 그 집 문을 두드리게 됐는지▶produce and proteins = 채소와 육류 (p로 두음을 맞춘 표현)- produce: 생산물품, (특히) 농작물[농산물]728x90반응형'외국어 공부를 해 보아요! > English Studying' 카테고리의 다른 글
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