EBS Morning Special 5월 25일 목요일: Better safe than sorry.외국어 공부를 해 보아요!/English Studying 2023. 5. 25. 16:59728x90반응형
(출처: wumo.com) 1. 무모한 문장
Laughter is the best medicine.
The secret to longevity is laughing.
노화방지의 최고의 비결은 많이 웃는 것이다2. Morning Headlines
1. The launch of Korea's space rocket Nuri was postponed just hours before liftoff on Wednesday, due to a technical glitch found during final preparations.
어제 예정됐던 한국형 발사체 누리호의 발사가, 최종 준비 과정에서 발견된 기술적 문제로 인해, 예정 시각을 몇 시간 앞두고 연기됐습니다.[ Expression ]
▶just hours before liftoff : 이륙 바로 몇 시간 전
▶technical glitch : 기술적 결함
▶glitch [ɡlɪtʃ] ; 작은 문제[결함]
※better safe than sorry: 나중에 후회하는 것보다 조심하는 것이 낫다
2. Korea's antitrust regulator has decided to fine the country's three mobile carriers a combined 33.6 billion won for their misleading advertisements on the speed of their fifth-generation (5G) network services.
공정거래위원회가 국내 이동통신 3사의 5G 이동통신 속도 관련 광고를 거짓·과장 광고로 규정하고, 과징금 336억 원을 부과했습니다.
[ Expression ]
▶mobile carrier : 이동통신 사업자[회사]
▶misleading advertisements : 거짓·과장 광고
3. A Russian senior official, who reportedly criticized the Kremlin’s offensive in Ukraine as a “fascist invasion,” has died of undisclosed causes, adding to a list of at least 13 high-profile Russians who have lost their lives under mysterious circumstances in the last 15 months.
우크라이나 전쟁을 '파시스트 침공'이라며 비판한 것으로 알려진 러시아 고위 관료가, 최근 알려지지 않은 이유로 사망했습니다. 지난 15개월 사이 비슷하게 의문사한 러시아 저명인사가 최소 13명에 달하는 것으로 알려졌습니다.
[ Expression ]
▶died of undisclosed causes : 알려지지 않은 이유로 사망했다
▶under mysterious circumstances : 불가사의한 상황에서
※fishy: 수상한
4. India has made it compulsory for cough syrup makers to get samples tested before exporting their products, after Indian-made cough syrups were linked to the deaths of dozens of children in Gambia and Uzbekistan.
인도산 기침 시럽이 감비아와 우즈베키스탄에서 발생한 수십 명의 어린이 사망 사건에 관련이 있는 것으로 드러나자, 인도 정부는 제조사들이 수출 전 당국에 샘플 검사를 받도록 의무화했습니다.
[ Expression ]
▶make it compulsory : 의무화하다
▶be linked to : ~와 연관되다
5. Panama’s immigration office has confirmed that a Chinese national was caught red-handed at Tocumen International Airport trying to enter the US using a fake Korean passport.
위조 한국 여권을 사용해 미국에 입국하려던 한 중국인이, 환승지인 파나마 토쿠멘 국제공항에서 적발됐다고 파나마 이민청이 밝혔습니다.
[ Expression ]
▶Chinese national : 중국의 국민[시민] (한 사람)
▶caught red-handed : 현행범으로 잡히다 (= caught in the act)
반응형3. New York Times
1. U.K. Clamping Down on Visas for Students’ Kin
The British government on Tuesday said it would prevent thousands of international students from bringing family members with them into the country, as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak faced growing political pressure to curb rapidly rising immigration numbers. Under the new measures, only postgraduate research students will be entitled to visas for dependents, ending a system under which others, such as those on master’s courses, were allowed them too. The announcement came just two days before the release of official figures that are expected to show that net migration has risen to a record level. Last year it climbed to 504,000 — its highest number yet — from June 2021 to June 2022.
▶clamp down on ~ = ~를 엄하게 단속하다
- clamp: 꽉 물다, 죄는 기구로 고정시키다 (죄는 기구인 ‘죔쇠’, ‘꺾쇠’를 가리키기도 함)
▶kin = 친족, 친척 (여기서는 '가족' 정도로)
- next of kin: (살아있는) 가장 가까운 친척
▶dependent (dependant) = 딸린 사람, 식구
2. Russian Court Orders American Journalist Jailed Through August
Meeting behind closed doors, a Moscow court on Tuesday extended the arrest of Evan Gershkovich, a Wall Street Journal correspondent accused of espionage until Aug. 30. The refusal of bail and the extension of Gershkovich’s detention were widely expected, although Russia has presented no evidence to back the espionage accusation. The U.S. government and The Wall Street Journal have vehemently rejected the charges, saying that “reporting is not a crime.” Gershkovich, 31, has been held at the Lefortovo jail since he was detained March 29 during a reporting trip to the central Russian city of Yekaterinburg. If convicted, Gershkovich would face up to 20 years in a Russian penal colony.
▶behind closed doors = 비공개로 [비밀리에]
▶correspondent = 기자[통신원], 특파원
▶espionage [ˈespiənɑːʒ] 스파이[간첩] 행위 (=spying) (→counter-espionage)
▶back = 뒷받침하다
▶vehemently [ˈvihɪməntli]= 격렬하게, 열정적으로
▶penal colony = 죄수 유형지 (a place where prisoners are sent to live)
- penal: (법에 의한) 처벌의, 형벌의
3. Advisory Says Teens Face Risk on Social Sites
The nation’s top health official, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, issued an extraordinary public warning on Tuesday about the risks of social media to young people, urging a push to fully understand the possible “harm to the mental health and well-being of children and adolescents.” The report included practical recommendations to help families guide children’s social media use. It recommended that families keep mealtimes and in-person gatherings free of devices to help build social bonds and promote conversation. It suggested creating a “family media plan” to set expectations for social media use, including boundaries around content and keeping personal information private.
Surgeon General: 의무 총감, 공중위생국장
▶issued an extraordinary public warning = 특별한 [보기 드문] 공중보건 경고문[권고문]을 발표했다
▶urging a push to ~ = ~를 추진[시도]할 것을 촉구하며
▶keep mealtimes and in-person gatherings free of devices = 식사 시간과 대면 모임 때 휴대폰 같은 전자 기기를 쓰지 않도록 하다
▶expectations: (pl.) 바라는 목표
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