EBS Morning Special 5월 26일 금요일: Warp Speed외국어 공부를 해 보아요!/English Studying 2023. 5. 26. 18:58728x90반응형
(출처: memory-alpha.fandom.com) 오늘 모닝스페셜에서는 누리호 발사와 더불어 AI의 놀라운 발달 이야기로 ' Warp Speed'가 잠깐 언급되었는데, 궁금해서 더 찾아보았습니다.
'스타트랙' 영화에서 우주선이 날아가는 빛보다 빠른 속도를 Warp Speed, 24세기쯤 행성 간의 주요 이동수단
Warp drive or warp engine was a technology that allowed space travel at faster-than-light speeds.
It worked by generating warp fields to form a subspace bubble that enveloped the starship, distorting the local spacetime continuum and moving the starship at velocities that could greatly exceed the speed of light. These velocities were referred to as warp factors. Warp drive was the most common form of interstellar propulsion used in the Milky Way Galaxy, making interstellar civilization, exploration, and commerce possible. By the 24th century, warp was the primary means of interstellar transport, but scientists from various cultures were pursuing various alternative propulsion methods that were hypothetically faster or more efficient.기술이 빛보다 빠른 속도로 발전합니다.
1. 무모한 문장
Technology seems to be advancing at the speed of light./at warp speed.
Technology never sleeps.
Technology is canstantly evolving.
기술은 빠른 속도로 끊임없이 발전하고 있습니다.2. Morning Headlines
1. Korea’s homegrown space rocket Nuri blasted off from Naro Space Center on Thursday at 6:24 p.m., successfully putting seven practical satellites into orbit so far, a critical mission for the country's space program.
한국형 발사체 누리호가 어제 6시 24분에 나로우주센터에서 발사돼, 지금까지 7개의 위성을 성공적으로 궤도에 안착시킨 것으로 확인됐습니다.[Expression]
▶blasted off : (지상에서) 솟아오르다[발사되다]솟아오르다 [발사되다]
▶critical mission : (앞으로의 상황에 영향을 미친다는 점에서) 대단히 중요한 업무
2. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has announced that he is entering the Republican presidential primary, setting up a clash with the current GOP frontrunner, former President Donald Trump.
론 디샌티스 플로리다 주지사가 2024년 미국 대선 출마를 공식적으로 선언했습니다. 이로써 공화당의 유력한 대선 후보인 도널드 트럼프 전 대통령과의 대결이 시작됐습니다.
▶presidential primary : 미국 (각 정당의) 대통령 예비 선거
▶GOP frontrunner : 미국 공화당에서 가장 유력한 우승 후보
: GOP - Grand Old Party 미국 공화당을 지칭
3. A hundred and ninety-three countries have unanimously approved a new greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring initiative that will support urgent action to reduce heat-trapping gases, which are fuelling temperature increases.
193개 국가가 모여, 온실가스를 줄이기 위한 긴급 조치를 지원하기 위해 글로벌 온실가스 감시 체계를 설립하는 결의안을 만장일치로 통과시켰습니다.
▶unanimously approve : 만장일치로 승인하다
▶heat-trapping gases : 열을 가둬 두는 가스
4. The World Food Programme has warned that millions of people in the Horn of Africa are trapped in a hunger emergency as the region lurches from crisis to crisis, including the longest drought in recorded history.
세계식량계획 WFP가 아프리카의 뿔에 사는 수백만 명의 사람들이 기록적인 가뭄을 포함해 동시에 여러 위기에 직면하면서, 긴급한 수준의 기아에 시달리고 있다고 경고했습니다.
▶lurch from crisis to crisis : 여러 위기로(위기에서 위기로) 비틀비틀거리다
▶longest drought in recorded history : 역사상 가장 긴 가뭄
▶lurch [lɜːrtʃ]
1. [동사] (갑자기) 휘청하다 [휘청거리다] (=stagger, sway)
2. [동사] (공포흥분으로 가슴이나 속이) 떨리다 [요동치다]
3. [명사] 휘청함, 요동침5. A watch that was once owned by the last emperor of China’s Qing Dynasty, whose life formed the basis of the 1987 Oscar-winning film “The Last Emperor”, has sold for a record $6.2 million dollars at auction.
영화 “마지막 황제”의 모티브였던 중국 청나라 마지막 황제의 손목시계가 경매에서 620만 달러, 우리 돈으로 약 81억 원에 낙찰됐습니다.
▶once owned by : 한 때 ~가 소장했었던
▶formed the basis of : 토대를 이루다
반응형3. New York Times
1. After France Bans Short Domestic Flights, It’s Business as Usual
When the French government officially enacted a ban this week on any flight between two cities that can be replaced by a train ride of less than 2 1/2 hours, it hailed the measure as proof that France was at the vanguard of ambitious climate change policies. And in a country smaller than Texas and with an extensive high-speed rail network, that would appear to rule out a large number of domestic flights. But when all is said and done, only three routes are actually cut — those between Paris-Orly airport and the cities of Nantes, Bordeaux and Lyon.
▶enact a ban : 금지 법안을 제정하다.
▶be replaced by ~ : ~에 의해 대체되다.
▶hail : (칭찬) 묘사하다, 일컫다. 우박
▶vanguard : 선도적 지위, 선두주자 (=frontrunner)
▶rule out : ~을 제외시키다, 배제하다, 불가능하게 하다.
▶when all is said and done : 이러니 저러니 해도 결국은 (= at the end of the day)
2. They Cuddled a Kiwi. New Zealand Said, ‘Stop That.’
A Miami-based kiwi named Paora — one of about 60 of the flightless birds living in zoos outside their native New Zealand — has been forced into the international spotlight. Footage of zoo visitors petting Paora has caused an outcry in New Zealand, where it is common knowledge that the national bird is nocturnal and should not be handled other than by experts. Zoo Miami apologized this week, saying it would no longer allow members of the public to touch him. The episode has revealed the potential pitfalls of what might be called “kiwi diplomacy” — New Zealand’s practice of sending kiwi to foreign zoos, much as China does more famously with pandas.
▶flightless birds : 날지 못하는 새
▶nocturnal [nɑːkˈtɜːrnl]
1 야행성의 (↔diurnal)
2 밤에 일어나는[행해지는]
▶potential pitfalls : 잠재적 함정
▶pitfall [ˈpɪtfɔːl]: (눈에 잘 안 띄는) 위험[곤란]
3. AI Needs an International Watchdog, ChatGPT Creators Say
The leaders of OpenAI, the artificial intelligence research lab that developed the chatbot ChatGPT, called for an international watchdog to regulate “superintelligent” AI technology in a note posted Monday on OpenAI’s website. “Given the possibility of existential risk, we can’t just be reactive,” founders Greg Brockman and Ilya Sutskever and CEO Sam Altman wrote. Tech companies have spent billions on AI amid rising concerns about its potential to match human reasoning and destroy jobs. In an appearance before Congress last week, Altman implored lawmakers to regulate AI. Congressional leaders also shared worries about the threats the technology could pose, including the spread of misinformation and privacy violations.
▶an international watchdog : 국제 감시 기구
▶existential risk : 실존적 위험, 잠재적 위험
▶reactive : 어떠한 요인(상황)에 반응을 보이는
- proactive : 상황을 앞서서, 사전에 대책을 강구하는
▶human reasoning : 인간의 추론능력
▶implore(=beg): 애원하다, 간청하다.728x90반응형'외국어 공부를 해 보아요! > English Studying' 카테고리의 다른 글