EBS Morning Special 5월 20일 토요일: 임윤찬,"He played it like a dream!"외국어 공부를 해 보아요!/English Studying 2023. 5. 21. 08:23728x90반응형
# 미국 뉴욕 링컨센터에서 뉴욕 필하모닉 오케스트라와 라흐마니노프 피아노 협주곡 3번을 연주하고 있는 임윤찬. (출처: 동아일보, 뉴욕 필하모닉 오케스트라 ;크리스 리 제공)
- hello, stranger
이게 누구야?
said to a person that you know but have not seen for a long time
ex) Hello stranger, I haven't seen you for weeks!
- thin on the ground
very rare, hard to find, exist in small numbers or amounts.
- too much information (=TMI)
그것까진 알고싶지 않아. 그만!
I didn't want to know that exactly! way too much
※ the runs: 설사
I'm going to get the runs.
I have the runs.
저 설사할 것 같아요.I have diarrhea. vs I have a fever.
- 병명은 관사x : cancer, pneumonia, diabetes, 등.
- 증상에는 관사: headache, stomachache, broken arm, 등.
Review: Yunchan Lim, Teenage Piano Star, Arrives in New York
Zachary Woolfe
c.2023 The New York Times Company
“He plays like a dream,” we say about musicians we like, meaning simply that they’re very good.
But when I say that Yunchan Lim, the 19-year-old pianist who made a galvanizing debut with the New York Philharmonic at David Geffen Hall on Wednesday, played like a dream, I mean something more literal.
▶galvanizing = 열광적인, 화제를 불러일으킨
※galvanize: ~을 갑자기 활기 띠게 하다, 자극하다 (원래 뜻은 ‘~에 전기를 통하게 하다’)
▶I mean something more literal = 글자 그대로의 뜻이다 (임윤찬의 연주가 정말로 ‘꿈같았다 ‘는꿈 같았다 ‘는 뜻)
※literal: 문자 그대로의, 직역의
This dreamy concert was among Lim’s first major professional performances outside his native South Korea, though he is already world-famous for this concerto. His blazing account of it secured his victory last June as the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition’s youngest-ever winner, and the video of that appearance has been viewed millions of times on YouTube.
That is, of course, hardly a guarantee of quality; there are many overhyped artists who go viral. But Lim’s preternaturally poised and poetic, tautly exciting Rachmaninoff deserved the clicks.
▶overhyped = 과장된, 부풀려진
- overhype: ~에 관하여 과장된 주장을 하다, ~을 과대 선전[광고]하다.
- hype: (과장된) 광고[선전], 광고[선전]를 하다
▶preternaturally = 기이할 정도로, 초자연적으로
- preternatural: 기이한, 초자연적인
tautly: 팽팽하게 (taut: 팽팽한, 긴장된, 정돈된)
▶deserved the clicks = (유튜브의) 재생 버튼을 누를 만했다 → 명성에 걸맞은 연주였다
Next season, Lim will do solo Chopin on Carnegie Hall’s main stage, but catching him now was a coup for the Philharmonic. On Wednesday, he played the Rachmaninoff concerto, one of the most difficult and popular in the repertoire, with clean, confident technique; silkily smooth tone; and rare relish in passages of sprightly humor. (Who knew this piece was so funny?)
▶coup = [ ku: ] (힘든 일의) 성공, 대 히트
- catching him now was a coup for the Philharmonic: 지금 그와의 협연 기회를 잡게 된 것은 뉴욕필로선 행운이었다
▶repertoire = 연주곡목[목록연주곡목[목록], 레퍼토리
relish: 기쁨, 즐거움, 재미
▶sprightly = 기운찬, 활기 넘치는
But he was unafraid of power. In his hands, the great, pounding first-movement cadenza was granitic, though never sludgy. And at the highest reaches of the piano, he had pinging intensity. By the end of the piece, his upper body was jackknifing toward the keys at flourishes, with his left foot stomping.
▶granitic, though never sludgy = 단단하되 허물어지지 않는
- granitic: 화강암의, 단단한
- sludgy: 진창의, 질척 질척한
▶pinging intensity = (힘찬 타건으로) 핑핑 소리가 나는 격렬함 → 격렬한 고음 연주
- ping: 태아 [땡/쨍 태아 [땡/쨍] 하는 소리가 나다 [소리를 내다]
▶jackknife = (동)~을 (잭나이프처럼) 구부리다
Some of the best moments were the quietest ones: In the third movement, the passage in which the piano plays as the strings lightly tap with their bows gave the effect of a snow globe, air full of swirling ice crystals. All in all, this was the kind of performance that made me want to hear how it develops over the course of a weekend, as these players and Lim get even more comfortable with each other.
▶gave the effect of a snow globe, air full of swirling ice crystals = 마치 스노볼 안에 들어온 것처럼, 사방에 눈꽃이 휘날리는 느낌이 들었다
- snow globe: 스노볼 (a toy or ornament in the form of a transparent dome that encloses a model of a scene and a liquid containing loose white particles which, when shaken, creates the appearance of a snowstorm.)
▶over the course of ~ = ~ 동안
The Prokofiev alone would have made Wednesday’s program a highlight of the Philharmonic’s season, but it’s understandable if many in the audience will think immediately of Lim when they recall this concert. If certain of his phrases in the Rachmaninoff could have relaxed just a shade more, his encores — yes, plural — were pure eloquent serenity.
The second, an Anatoly Lyadov prelude, was lovely. But the first, Franz Liszt’s arrangement for piano of “Pace non trovo,” one of his songs to Petrarch texts, was more than that: wistful yet fresh, altogether elegant.
He played it like a dream.
▶~ alone would have (p.p.) = ~만으로... 였을 만으로... 였을 것이다
- The Prokofiev alone would have made Wednesday’s program a highlight of the Philharmonic’s season, but it’s understandable if many in the audience will think immediately of Lim when they recall this concert: (평소 같으면) 프로코피에프 교향곡 연주만으로 뉴욕 필하모닉 오케스트라의 이번 시즌 하이라이트가 되기 충분했겠지만, 이제 앞으로 이 공연을 회상할 때 객석의 많은 사람들이 바로 임윤찬부터 떠올리더라도 어쩔 수 없는 일이다
▶(a) shade = (아주) 조금, 다소
▶his encores — yes, plural = 그가 한 앙코르 연주‘들’ — 그렇다, 한 번이 아니었다 (객석의 반응이 대단한 호평이었다는 뜻)
- If certain of his phrases in the Rachmaninoff could have relaxed just a shade more, his encores — yes, plural — were pure eloquent serenity: 그가 라흐마니노프를 연주할 때 아주 살짝 더 부드럽게 갈 수 있었다 하더라도, 그가 앙코르 연주에서 보여준 고요함은 진정 웅변적인 [감동적인 웅변적인 [감동적인] 것이었다
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