EBS Morning Special 5월 21일 일요일: Yayoi Kusama의 작품을 감상해보아요.외국어 공부를 해 보아요!/English Studying 2023. 5. 21. 21:22728x90반응형
Yayoi Kusama는 일본의 조각가이자 설치 미술가입니다.
그녀의 시그니처 모티프인 호박과 꽃이 그림과 조각으로 다양하게 표현되는데, 그녀의 작품을 보고 있노라면, 저는 왜 색맹검사의 검사지가 떠오르는지...
독특한 그녀의 세계가 여러 가지 예술작품으로 대중의 마음에 와닿습니다.
일요일 주말 오후, 마음은 뉴욕의 그녀 전시회에 있지만, 인터넷 서핑으로 그녀의 작품을 감상합니다.
# (출처: davidzwirner.com)
Kusama Takes On the Infinite With a Sly Wink
Will Heinrich
c.2023 The New York Times CompanyOnce a high-profile fixture of the 1960s New York avant-garde, Yayoi Kusama has long since become an icon, in the sense of a visually recognizable brand. Her polka dots, her spectacular sculptures of flowers and pumpkins, and most of all her “Infinity Mirror Rooms,” which regularly draw crowds willing to wait hours for as little as one minute inside — it’s all as familiar, and as reliably perfect, as Coca-Cola. Like Coca-Cola, it also goes with anything: A recent collaboration with Louis Vuitton even included Instagram and Snapchat filters.
▶in the sense of : 소위, ~의 의미에서
▶polka dots : 물방울무늬
▶draw crowds willing to wait : 대중들이 기꺼이 기다리도록 만들다.
draw : (반응을) 끌어내다
▶go with anything : 무엇이든지 잘 어울리다.
The downside of being a brand might be a certain predictability. But being so well known actually provides a visual thinker as adept and inventive as Kusama with a kind of head start on shocking and delighting her audience, because she can achieve so much just by tweaking our expectations. Her latest room, a 13-foot-high white cube with a fully mirrored interior titled “Dreaming of Earth’s Sphericity, I Would Offer My Love,” is as close as pop art comes to a revelation.
▶adept : 능숙한
▶head start : (남보다 일찍 시작해서 갖게 되는) 유리함(=advantage)
▶tweak our expectations : 기대하는 바를 비틀다.
▶sphericity [sfirísəti] : 구형, 구면; 구형도(球形度)
# (출처: davidzwirner.com) Unlike most previous rooms, this one, which is showing at David Zwirner Gallery in Manhattan as part of the new exhibition “I Spend Each Day Embracing Flowers,” has windows large enough to see through from the inside — 16 full, half or quarter circles colored red, yellow, green or blue. Each partial circle is hard against an edge, so that, with its reflection, it appears whole. Among other things, this means that your gaze doesn’t pause at the edge, instead gliding painlessly right into the mirror world.
▶see through : 꿰뚫어 보다, 속이 비치다.
▶gliding painlessly right into the mirror world : 고통 없이 거울세상으로 미끄러져 들어감
# (출처: davidzwirner.com) Where previous infinity rooms flirted with claustrophobia, now, because you can keep half an eye on the everyday world, you’ll contemplate the infinite with bemusement. You might catch a reflection of your own legs superimposed on someone outside, as in a Dan Graham pavilion, or find yourself peering out curiously at the yellow-tinted gallery.
▶flirt with ~: ~을 재미 삼아 해보다.
▶claustrophobia : 밀실 공포증 (→agoraphobia)
▶bemusement : 멍해짐
▶superimposed : 어떤 물건 위에 놓인
▶peer out at: ~을 내다보다. 밖을 응시하다.
From other angles the circles are opaque, evoking a modernist disco party as they bubble into the distance. As usual, the best action happens in the corners, where you can watch miniature reflections of yourself walk right past one another — your ego snubbing your id, or vice versa — or convene four of your doppelgängers in an intimate tête-à-tête. I was so interested in all my own miniature critics that I didn’t notice the crisp, full-size reflection right in front of me until just before I stepped out.
▶snub : 무시하다, 모욕하다, 냉대하다.
▶vice versa : 그 반대도 마찬가지이다.
▶tête-à-tête : face to face 마주 앉아서, 두 사람만의,
▶step out : 나가다.
Along with the mirrored room, “I Spend Each Day Embracing Flowers” includes three enormous steel flowers; three yellow and black “pumpkin” walls polished to a sports-car shine; and nearly three dozen new acrylic paintings. Graphic, boldly colored compositions of dots and lines, the paintings reach across the room and grab you by the collar, particularly one untitled canvas from 2021, which is just slightly too busy to take in at a glance. The flowers are charming, if nothing more, but the pumpkins, with their hat-like stems and sexy undulations, are surprisingly complex and sophisticated.
▶boldly colored : 과감한 채색
▶at a glance : 한눈에, 단번에
▶undulation : 파도 모양, 구불한 모양, 굽이치는 모양, 기복
▶sophisticated : 세련된, 교양 있는, 정교한
# (출처: davidzwirner.com) 728x90반응형'외국어 공부를 해 보아요! > English Studying' 카테고리의 다른 글
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